Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Henry VIII - 500 years

Today marks 500 years since England's most notorious king, Henry VIII, took the throne at the age of 17. Fat Boy (as I prefer to call him) served as monarch from 1509 until his death in 1547. He was just 55. No official cause of death was ever identified, although rumor is he died from syphilis. Which would seem just after the way he treated other people, especially his poor six wives, two of whom he had beheaded.

I remember when I first visited Hampton Court, one of Fat Boy's many palaces, and commented to Paul that I couldn't understand why the English didn't do as the French and revolt against the monarchy and all their extravagant living at the expense of the taxpayers. This of course led into a huge debate (or rather Paul voicing his opinion) about all the good things the monarchy bring to the country. Paul kindly reminded me of our argument when George W was in office and asked, 'So tell me why don't the Americans stand up and revolt against this imperialism???' He has a point there.

Now I'm even reading scary opinions that are comparing Obama to Henry VIII and even Hitler. Frankly, being the liberal that I am, I think this is a bunch of hogwash.

1 comment:

Dawn & Paul White said...

Not bad. Henry did have some good qualities. If he had not married Anne Boleyn we would not have had Queen Elizabeth I who kicked the Spanish Armada's Butts, and gave us many good films.